"Are you ready to free the way you love beyond the forced choice between monogamy and polyamory? Most people think they have to choose between monogamy and polyamory, but relationship expert Jorge Ferrer disagrees. In this highly personal and engaging talk, Ferrer presents a new paradigm for understanding intimate relationships, challenging the monogamy/polyamory binary, and offering fresh possibilities for thinking about contemporary love, sexuality, and intimate relationships.."
The Franklin Institute, Pennsylvania
On today's episode, Kirstin and Bey are talking all about how traditional relationships are evolving. They are joined by Dr. Jorge Ferrer as he discusses his book "Love and Freedom: Transcending Monogamy and Polyamory." Later, Janet Hardy joins the show to talk about ethical relationships, sexual fulfillment, and her book, "The Ethical Slut."
Sexualidad Consciente y Espiritualidad
El Camino Interior
Maria Olid: "Jorge Ferrer en esta entrevista nos habla abiertamente y con total claridad de la sexualidad, del amor, del cosmos, de la espiritualidad, y de las relaciones humanas. Creo que es una entrevista que irradia verdad por los cuatro costados."

Carlota Guedes Program
Waking Youth
What would our relationships look like if, instead of being predefined according to unquestioned default modes, they were customized to the needs and desires of the people in them?
In this episode, Dr. Jorge Ferrer walks us through his work aimed at transcending the binary monogamy-polyamory, culminating in Jorge's coining of the term novogamy.

Giancarlo Canavesio's MANGU.TV
A Dialogue on Transpersonal Psychology, Community Living, and the Sexual Revolution
In this episode Jorge discusses the origins of transpersonal psychology, and the influences of the meeting of Western psychology with Eastern traditions. Jorge and Giancarlo also dive deep into the idea of conscious community living serving as a growth catalyst. They also discuss the sexual revolution, the impact it had on women gaining sexual autonomy and new wave feminism. Last but not least, they talk about the concept of the universal truth, spiritual narcissism, and the trending idea of divine consciousness in new age communities. Don’t miss this rich episode!

Con Rafa Millán y Mardía Herrero
"Recuerdo con cariño el día que pasamos en Barcelona con Vicente Merlo y cómo él insistió en que la obra de Jorge Ferrer le había hecho despertar del sueño perennialista. El psicólogo transpersonal le había abierto la mente.. Las palabras de Ferrer han sido a la vez, para mí, removedoras y estimulantes, como un espejo a un tiempo despiadado y generoso, que te permite tirar del hilo hasta conectar con tu propio corazón."

Entrevista con
Rafa Millán y Mardía Herrero
"Jorge Ferrer dice sentir nostalgia del futuro. Su propuesta de una espiritualidad participativa ha ampliado la perspectiva de la psicología transpersonal. Durante la pandemia escribió "Novogamia", libro titulado con un concepto creado por él en que plantea la diversidad de posibilidades en las relaciones amorosas, más allá de la monogamia o el poliamor"

Entrevista con Xavi Pont
Conversaciones con Sentido
"Entrevista a Jorge Ferrer, uno de los padres de la psicología transpersonal contemporánea y un referente en el enfoque participativo y co-creativo de la espiritualidad. Jorge es partidario de un pluralismo religioso que no necesariamente implique un núcleo común y que ponga al cuerpo en el centro de la experiencia espiritual. Recientemente ha publicado Novogamia, un libro que pretende impulsar un nuevo tipo de relaciones afectivo-sexuales."
The Bonding Project (Elisabeth Sheff)
Podcast interview by Dr. Elisabeth Sheff, Psychology Today columnist and author of The Polyamorous Next Door, among many other groundbreaking books.
xavi pont y david sagarra
Conversación de Xavi Pont y David Sagristà sobre las lecciones que se extraen de la entrevista realizada en este canal a Jordge Ferrer.
Lliço magistral: Dialegs per la Transformacio.
Charla invitada ofrecida en Manresa, Espana, con motivo del aniversario hace 5 siglos de la llegada de Santo Ignacio de Loyola a dicha ciudad. Me honro compartir ponencias con Satish Kumar, Xavier Meloni y Berta Meneses. Esta charla se la dedique a mi gran amigo Ramon Albareda, quien nos dejo en el 2022.
Una Visión Postcolonial
Director Ulises Charles Rodriguez: "Como parte de un documental que está siendo filmado tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a Jorge Ferrer, uno de los teóricos mas destacados en el campo de la psicología transpersonal, religión y misticismo comparado. El documental abordara la discusión entre religión y ciencia desde un punto de vista postcolonial."
Cultura Ser Uno: Asociación de Apoyo a la Intercultura Global
Contribución a la tertulia organizada por Jaime Riera Pérez en Cultura Ser Uno. Para otra opiniones incluidas las de Mia Fabrega, Josep Maria Ferigla, y muchos otros profesionales interesantes, véase https://www.culturaser-uno.com/opiniones-cual-es-el-reto.../
Wisdom Path, United States
Donald L. Conover: "This has been a discussion between Dr. Jorge N. Ferrer, author of Participation and the Mystery: Transpersonal Essays in Psychology, Education, and Religion, in a joint session of our "Wisdom Path Colloquia" and the Advanced Carl Jung Depth Psychology Reading Group. We are grateful to Dr. Becca Tarnas for suggesting this appearance."
Interview by Jeffrey Mishlove for NEW THINKING ALLOWED
Jeffrey Mishlove: "Jorge Ferrer shows that the same pluralistic approach that he takes toward mystical paths can also be applied in the arena of human relationships. He describes mainstream western culture as 'mononormative'-- meaning that sexual monogamy is the primary standard. However, he acknowledges that this leads to various complications -- particularly widespread adultery. A variety of other relationship models also exist including polyamory, serial monogamy, open marriages, and even modes beyond the monogamy/polyamory binary."
Nuevos Formatos Sexoafectivos
Charla introductoria a la novogamia o modos de relaciones íntimas mas allá de la dicotomía monogamia/poliamor. Descubre un nuevo paradigma relacional enraizado en la libertad relacional y la apertura a nuestra fluidez y diversidad internas. Evento moderado por David Barba.
Interview by Jeffrey Mishlove for NEW THINKING ALLOWED
Jeffrey Mishlove: "Jorge Ferrer maintains that many spiritual seekers engage in one-sided approaches that do not incorporate an appreciation of the human body. In fact, certain traditions disparage the body as being animalistic and unspiritual. He advocates a revised version of the Bodhisatva Vow (for Buddhists and non-Buddhists) that emphasizes the enlightenment of all parts of the self -- as well as all sentient beings. He also discusses the role of sexual intimacy in spiritual practice."
Integral European Conference
(with Roger Walsh, Jorge Ferrer, Bence Ganti, & Rob McNamara)
We did a Jorge Ferrer-Roger Walsh-Bence Ganti's Main Stage Dialogue led by the amazing Rob McNamara, Integral Facilitator and Teacher at Naropa University in Boulder, CO, USA."
Warning: Probably one of the funniest, weirdest, and healing dialogues happening ever at an academic conference... ;)
For the full photo album, go to: Transpersonal-Integral Dialogue Photo Album
Interview by Jeffrey Mishlove for NEW THINKING ALLOWED
Jeffrey Mishlove: "Jorge Ferrer notes that many people have reported contacts with spiritual entities of both a positive and negative nature. He describes several of his own experiences. He also acknowledges the difficulty in determining if these experiences involve autonomous entities, independent of his own consciousness. He advocates a post-colonial research approach in which scientists will work together as equals with indigenous shamans and other experiencers."
Interviews with Jorge Ferrer, Charles Tart, Glenn Hartelius, and Others
This is a short documentary that shows some of the contributions of postcolonial thought to transpersonal psychology. It shows a critique to western thought, the division of science and religion, and some perspectives of how to open our selves to different knowledges.
Interview by Jeffrey Mishlove for NEW THINKING ALLOWED
In this wide-ranging conversation, Jorge and Jeff share their memories and reflections about a wide range of mystical paths. The discussion focuses on the relative merits of following set instructions from a guru to seek mystical insights. Another perspective come from the literature concerning spontaneous awakening of consciousness. Jorge explains why he believes that the mystics of many different traditions often feel closer to each other than they are with the more conservative, orthodox members of their own faith community.
Podcast with Bruce Alderman and Layman Pascal
In this episode of The Future Faces of Spirit, Jorge Ferrer joins Bruce Alderman and Layman Pascal for a warm and wide-ranging discussion of the implications and promise of a participatory approach to religion and spirituality for our time. Topics covered include spiritual individuation versus spiritual unity, participatory metaphysics, the move beyond pluralism, the relationship of participatory and integral paradigms, the return of the feminine and the re-sacralization of nature, subtle energies and realms, the necessity of full-being integration and "bodyfulness," the integral bodhisattva vow, and much more.
Podcast with Phillip Goldberg and Denis Raimondi
Ferrer's latest book, Participation and the Mystery: Transpersonal Essays in Psychology, Education, and Religion, examines topics such as relationship between science and transpersonal psychology, the nature of a fully embodied spirituality, and the future of religion. We spoke about a range of subjects related to modern spirituality, in particular his perspective on participatory spirituality, which holds that human beings are active co-creators of spiritual phenomena and worlds.